News - August 2015

The Office of Public Works offered Feltmakers Ireland the use of the gallery in the Phoenix Park Visitors Centre for the month of July. The memebers were asked to make a proposal for exhibiting their works, either individually or as groups. In the end, Nikki Collier and I were allocated two weeks each for solo exhibitions.
When the shock of being selected wore off, I was then faced with the challenge of what to include and what not, as well as how was I going to display them?
After a few frantic weeks of tidying up pieces, borrowing some pieces from present owners, as well as sourcing and collecting mannequins, we had assembled what we hoped would fill the gallery. Up to this, the largest display I had prepared was a stall at the National Craft Show in the RDS.
After much worrying, I was pleased with the result. There are photographs in the exhibitions section, on this link. My sincere thanks to all those who helped, including the OPW, Feltmakers Ireland, loaners of pieces and mannequins plus helpers for the loading and supervising the exhibition over the two weeks.